Virtual Meet Up

Click Here to Register for a Pre-EARNCon Virtual Meet Up! Connect with EARN’s local, state, and national partners and allies for lively discussion and networking. EARN 101 is a foundational […]

EARN 101

For new members to meet the network, learn about EARN's data tools and other online resources, and develop key concepts and tools in Excel. Click Here to Register for EARN […]

State of the National Economy

Click Here to Register for EARNCon! How can we achieve more equitable workplaces and labor market outcomes? By forcing through better policies, say EPI economists. In this session, EPI economists […]

Data Bootcamp: Intro to STATA

This session is for people who may have some experience using data, but have never used Stata or microdata before. Click Here to Register for EARNCon! This session is for […]

Data Bootcamp: Intro to R

Click Here to Register for EARNCon! Attendees will learn the basics of using R for microdata analysis. This session is for people who may have some experience using data, but have never used R or microdata before.

The Economic Policy Institute would like to thank the following funders for their ongoing and generous support for the Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN): 
  • Anonymous  
  • American Federation of Teachers 
  • Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust 
  • Ford Foundation  
  • International Association of Machinists  
  • International Brotherhood of Teamsters
  • Kresge Foundation  
  • National Association of Letter Carriers  
  • National Education Association 
  • Marguerite Casey Foundation 
  • Omidyar Network
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • The Rockefeller Foundation
  • Service Employees International Union 
  • Surdna Foundation 
  • United Auto Workers  
  • United Brotherhood of Carpenters 
  • United Food and Commercial Workers 
  • United Steelworkers of America 
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation