EARNCon Plenary: Welcome and introductions, Keynote address: Liz Shuler, and Panel discussion: Rebuilding worker power and civic engagement in Ohio

The Westin Cleveland Downtown 777 Saint Clair Avenue Northeast, Cleveland, OH, United States

During this plenary, speakers will welcome EARN groups to the conference and set the stage for what is to come. Panelists will discuss the history of the labor movement in Cleveland and draw parallels between unionization campaigns in Ohio and the rest of the country.

EARNCon Plenary: Voices from the frontlines of new union organizing: Worker power, state policy, and racial, gender, and economic justice

The Westin Cleveland Downtown 777 Saint Clair Avenue Northeast, Cleveland, OH, United States

This session will feature workers sharing their motivations and strategies for organizing new unions in public services, health care, and other frontline occupations, while illustrating opportunities to expand state and local policies that advance worker power.

Tracking the demands of the civil rights movement from the 1960s till today

The Westin Cleveland Downtown 777 Saint Clair Avenue Northeast, Cleveland, OH, United States

This session will inform conference attendees of the policies, strategies, and actions advocated for during the March on Washington and the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and then to use these social policy requests as a metric to determine which policies were implemented, which have yet to be realized, and what this means for racial economic justice. 

EARNCon Session: Joining the fight for economic justice, racial justice, and abortion access

The Westin Cleveland Downtown 777 Saint Clair Avenue Northeast, Cleveland, OH, United States

This session, led in coordination with the National Women's Law Center, will address the ways in which work toward income security, worker justice, and economic justice is deeply intertwined with the fight for abortion access, particularly for Black and Brown women.

EARNCon Session: Striking Back: Reorganizing in Right-to-Work States

The Westin Cleveland Downtown 777 Saint Clair Avenue Northeast, Cleveland, OH, United States

This session aims to inform EARNCON attendees about strategies that policymakers and advocates are using to advance pro-worker policymaking and supporting the labor movement at the state and local level, with an emphasis on states with anti-labor policies in place, such as “Right-to-Work” laws.

EARNCon Session: A fairer economy: Uniting unions, advocates, policy groups, and local communities to fight for progressive policies

The Westin Cleveland Downtown 777 Saint Clair Avenue Northeast, Cleveland, OH, United States

In this session, panelists will highlight how to build a successful advocacy plan by forming partnerships that lead to an effective "inside" and "outside" strategy to challenge longstanding austerity approaches, expand working families' power over the state budget by enacting progressive tax reform, and to win dramatic investments in working-class communities.

The Economic Policy Institute would like to thank the following funders for their ongoing and generous support for the Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN): 
  • Anonymous  
  • American Federation of Teachers 
  • Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust 
  • Ford Foundation  
  • International Association of Machinists  
  • International Brotherhood of Teamsters
  • Kresge Foundation  
  • National Association of Letter Carriers  
  • National Education Association 
  • Marguerite Casey Foundation 
  • Omidyar Network
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • The Rockefeller Foundation
  • Service Employees International Union 
  • Surdna Foundation 
  • United Auto Workers  
  • United Brotherhood of Carpenters 
  • United Food and Commercial Workers 
  • United Steelworkers of America 
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation