All of EARN’s listservs automatically archive all messages. EARN members can easily use the archives to search for messages they’ve lost, or to explore what EARN members have said about a particular topic or issue. The links below will take you to the archives for each list. You will be prompted for a password for each archive – just use the same password you use to access the State of Working X site (
The EARN listserv – the listserv for the full EARN community, including staff at EARN state members and national organizations; grassroots partners; academic researchers; foundation partners; members of the labor movement; state and local policymakers; and others who support and/or participate in EARN’s mission.
The Datageeks listserv – a listserv specifically for wonks and data nerds who may have questions or want to discuss research design, quantitative methods, or other more technical issues.
The Jobwatch email list – EARN’s distribution list for the monthly “Jobwatch” file, with state job and unemployment data, updated monthly when the BLS releases State and Metro unemployment data.
Listserv sign-up
Use the form below to sign up for any of EARN’s email lists.
If you have questions about any of EARN’s email lists or have difficulty signing up, please contact the EARN staff at [email protected].
Listserv Guidelines
- All messages sent to the listserv are moderated by EARN staff, and most messages are approved for wide distribution relatively quickly (within 2-4 hours).
- The listserv is actively maintained Monday through Friday during business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET), although messages are also frequently approved outside these hours.
- Urgent messages that need to be distributed over the weekend can be flagged to EARN staff by reaching out to the email address, [email protected].
- To find archived messages from the listserv, please visit our website here.
- All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive or illegal materials are strictly prohibited.
- Do not post commercial messages or solicitations of any kind whether on behalf of an individual or entity
- Exercise professional judgment in your comments. The information posted on the lists is available for all to see, and comments are subject to libel, slander, and antitrust laws.
- Please only post jobs and positions that include the anticipated salary or salary range. Research shows that including such information and not inquiring about salary history in job announcements can help reduce gender and wage disparities. In most cases, EARN will not distribute job announcements that do not include salary information or announcements for unpaid internships.
- Many organizations on the EARN listserv are 501c3 organizations. As such, please be mindful when sharing explicitly partisan political content. Such content is not prohibited, but it should not be the focus of discussion on the listserv.
- We encourage the use of the EARN listserv for state-focused issues, resources to help benefit states, and circulation of resources addressing issues at the state/federal nexus.
- The EARN staff at EPI may, at any time, reject messages that in our judgment do not support EARN’s values and mission.